Monday, August 13, 2007

show and tell

When I got to work this morning, I stopped off in the kitchen to get my morning mocha. A fellow employee, TP, was in there.

"Oh, Rissa - you're so tall!" She sidles up next to me, doing that hand measuring thing short people do when standing next to a taller person. TP is 5 feet tall. With tennis shoes on. "Give me some of your height!" I offered her my 2" strappy sandals. She laughed. The 'you're so tall' comments continued for 3 minutes.

I'm not unusually tall. 6'2" is tall for a woman, I'll give ya that. With my cute bronze strappy sandals, I'm around 6'4". Fairly normal for my everyday work wear. But, it's not gargantuan. I'm not Shaq or Yao Ming or anything.

Around 10:00 a.m., L delivers our mail. TP happened to walk by. It's show and tell time! She asks me to stand up. I oblige (my bad). Again, TP sidles up to me, talking about how tall, doing that hand measuring thing short people do when standing next to a taller person. Then invites L to do the same thing! Oh, did I mention L is about the same height as TP? Uhhh...hello! They laugh and walk away - "...she's soooooo tall..."

Later in the day, I encountered TP in the kitchen. There was a 6' guy in there as well. Again, it was show and tell time! She sidled up next to me, doing that hand measuring thing short people do when standing next to a taller person. "Look how tall! Look how tall!" She walked away laughing.

There I go again, entertaining the masses.

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