Sunday, April 17, 2011

feels like the first time...

Up to my elbows with plastic grocery bags, I somehow maneuvered my keys into their proper slots in my front door. Twisting and turning to get in before groceries fell out, I saw my apartment. I truly *saw* my apartment.

I saw space where shoes had been. The shoes that now sit in my closet because I cleared out the clutter. I faced the hoarding that had been hidden and got rid of it. There was a lot of it. Shoes have replaced my secret.

I saw space where boxes once sat. The boxes that now sit in the dumpster along with most of their contents. I opened those boxes, faced the contents and got rid of it. I can walk through. I can dance through. I can move in my space.

I saw space where clothes had been piled, where REAL SIMPLE magazines had been stacked. I saw space where there been no space 30 days ago.

And, I fell to my knees and cried.


the slackmistress said...


Aly ~ Cooking In Stilettos said...

Congrats Reese!!!! You have done an amazing job!

Bailey said...

amazing. So strong. You should be so proud of yourself!

Mimsey said...

Awesome...reading you're blog is so awesome that in my quest to find amazing blogs, I stumbled accross you. so here you go, an award!