Sunday, November 11, 2007

up at 7 on a Sunday morning? Heck yeah!

I love Nordstrom.

Nordstrom has a Fashion Rewards program for its frequent shoppers. Each of the four levels affords you different perks. My VP is level 4 - the highest. At level 4, one of the perks is a private shopping event. Today was ours.

Nordstrom opened its doors at 8 a.m., allowing us two full hours of closed-store shopping. :::squeal::: Mary, the manager of the Savvy department, let us in and gave us the lowdown:
  • A private suite of dressing rooms with a small breakfast buffet table
  • Racks of clothing and accessories for each of us (sizes, preferences, etc previously sent to Mary via email questionnaire)
  • A private lounge - chaise, leather covered chairs, couch, ottoman, closets, TV
  • Gorgeous breakfast buffet - bagels, cream cheese, lox, caviar, danish, croissants, huge fruit platter, fruit/granola/yogurt parfaits, seafood frittata, pumpkin cinnamon crepes, coffee with Bailey's, mimosas.

Heaven, right? Uhh...yeah! I love Nordstrom.

The 10 of us scatter to various departments in Nordstrom, but Mary asked that I come with her. She took me to the rack with my name on it. Hanging there were ten items Mary thought I would wear well - 2 leather jackets, 3 shiny holiday tops, a few tunics, 2 pairs of pants. She done good! I picked out 3 things to try, then headed up to the Encore department.

Encore is the plus-size section of Nordstrom. This store has one of the best collections of clothing and it was nice to shop it all alone. I'm browsing, picking up an item here and there to try on. Behind me, a woman asked "Did you find your favorite fragrance downstairs?" As she's asking, she's also straightening the racks I've browsed through. On the first floor, there was a separate 'Fragrance Festival' event going on. The guests were supposed to stay on the first floor, apparently. I told her that I was here for a different event. "Mary?" "Yes. Mary." Boy did her attitude change! She took me to each rack in the department, pulling tops and dresses and things. This personal shopper thing is the way to go, lemme tell ya. I love Nordstrom. I ended up with 30 different things to try on. I ended up with nothing. Either the tops were too short, too boxy, too matronly or something that I would not reach for more than once, if that.

Completely discouraged, I went to the lounge to eat. Mary came in about 15 minutes later - "This will cheer you up!" She grabbed a box out of the closet - red box and card, with a bow tied around it. "The box is our chocolate holiday truffles. And the card is for you to enjoy your favorite spa treatment on us. Just book your appointment today." Huh? NFW! The card listed 3 types of facials, 2 different massages, 3 manicure treatments and 3 pedicure treatments. We could choose one, compliments of Nordstrom and Nordstrom Spa! I love Nordstrom. Yes, Mary, that certainly cheered me up. She asked if I was done for the day. With clothing, yes. "I'm going downstairs - lip gloss always fits!" She walked me down to Phillip, manager of make-up and fragrance. Dude totally took care of me! He found his favorite color specialist and I played with make-up for 30 minutes. All shopping hope was not lost - 2 lip glosses and 1 eye shadow are now in my possession.

It was an incredible shopping experience. And an exhausting one at that. But OH SO FUN! I may not reach level 4, but it's good to know people who do :)

I love Nordstrom.


Lys said...

WAHHHHH!! I want Level 2 - then again, that's my goal - I want a Nordys card :::sigh:::

Does Mary have a cousin in Orlando - our Nordys needs some fixing up.

Anonymous said...

You're better than I am. I would have bought half the stuff then hung it in my closet with the tags still on for years. Just to say I bought something during my VIP visit and so I wouldn't hurt Mary's feelings. I'm gonna start shopping with you!